Are we sure this is a good idea when rolled out on a mass basis? Are we going to have to copyright ourselves at all our age levels? Better run up the legal hurricane flag on the flagpole. Sometimes innocuous actions when done as individuals, become frightful when done in coordination with other innocuous acts. Any world war, if you analyze the myriads of causal agencies, is composed of thousands of individual parts, all innocuous. I've got a bad feeling about this-
Definitely issues abound. I want to show not only that this is possible, but that it is coming.
I personally don't find the idea of a clone useful yet. However, I also didn't actually create one as I think there are significant UX issues at the least.
What would you add to the issues section of the article? What else do we need to worry about?
More problems than one can shake a prompt at, Josh. At least in my opinion. FWIW. FIRST IS EPISTEMIC. 1. With clones becoming more indistinguishible from the real thing, how does a person know if they are dealing with you, a clone of you made by you, or a clone of you made by some third party? 2. How can a person rely on information it gets from a clone? Is it hallucinating, or poorly or sloppily made, or even designed to give malicious information by a third party? Can clones be hijacked or hacked? Can there be armies of such "beings" turned to a common purpose, just like the DNS bot armies. How can I tell?
OWNERSHIP 1. who owns the rights to you? 2. Who has legal duties or liability for actions of the clones? What about deep fakes and the damage they can do? A lot of legal issues are raised by these things. SOCIAL 1. Time. Every hour one spends interacting with s clone is a minute lost to interacting with a human. Do we really want to migrate to the metaverse when it, the metaverse, has the possibility of becoming a close facsimile of a very nasty place? 2. Do we really want to add one more addictive element to our addiction to looking at screens all day?
"1. With clones becoming more indistinguishable from the real thing, how does a person know if they are dealing with you, a clone of you made by you, or a clone of you made by some third party?"
Do you feel the same about corporate website chatbots and phone trees? Why or why not?
I know I find phone trees and chatbots useless. If I couldn't solve my issue already, I need to talk to a human with decision making power. I wonder if clones will have the same issue?
Well I definitely dislike corporate Chatbots and phone trees but don't distrust them yet. Primarily because they are remnants of a more naive era that is fading away. Their raison d'etre was solely to save money by replacing expensive humans with inexpensive recordings..they made no attempt to present themselves as anything but machines. In contrast, what you're talking about is the leading edge of a new era (which, don't get me wrong, I'm excited about and remain optimistic about) where motives for presence are much more varied and difficult to ascertain. Witness the fake videos both Trump and DeSantis campaigns are using where AI footage is mixed with real footage to give the impression of versimilitude. No, we will need to pass legislation requiring some kind of digital watermarking on ALL digital comm. Avatars may be required to announce up front, "I am Josh's avatar, can I help you?" or some such....
I think "I am Josh's avatar, can I help you?" or some such...." would be good, but I can't see digital watermarking working very well. DRM is always breakable or circumventable. Unless it was something like the CANSPAM act but even that is flagrantly broken by lots of companies.
Another tool to create an AI clone I just found -
Are we sure this is a good idea when rolled out on a mass basis? Are we going to have to copyright ourselves at all our age levels? Better run up the legal hurricane flag on the flagpole. Sometimes innocuous actions when done as individuals, become frightful when done in coordination with other innocuous acts. Any world war, if you analyze the myriads of causal agencies, is composed of thousands of individual parts, all innocuous. I've got a bad feeling about this-
Definitely issues abound. I want to show not only that this is possible, but that it is coming.
I personally don't find the idea of a clone useful yet. However, I also didn't actually create one as I think there are significant UX issues at the least.
What would you add to the issues section of the article? What else do we need to worry about?
More problems than one can shake a prompt at, Josh. At least in my opinion. FWIW. FIRST IS EPISTEMIC. 1. With clones becoming more indistinguishible from the real thing, how does a person know if they are dealing with you, a clone of you made by you, or a clone of you made by some third party? 2. How can a person rely on information it gets from a clone? Is it hallucinating, or poorly or sloppily made, or even designed to give malicious information by a third party? Can clones be hijacked or hacked? Can there be armies of such "beings" turned to a common purpose, just like the DNS bot armies. How can I tell?
OWNERSHIP 1. who owns the rights to you? 2. Who has legal duties or liability for actions of the clones? What about deep fakes and the damage they can do? A lot of legal issues are raised by these things. SOCIAL 1. Time. Every hour one spends interacting with s clone is a minute lost to interacting with a human. Do we really want to migrate to the metaverse when it, the metaverse, has the possibility of becoming a close facsimile of a very nasty place? 2. Do we really want to add one more addictive element to our addiction to looking at screens all day?
There's lots more, but that's a start...
"1. With clones becoming more indistinguishable from the real thing, how does a person know if they are dealing with you, a clone of you made by you, or a clone of you made by some third party?"
Do you feel the same about corporate website chatbots and phone trees? Why or why not?
I know I find phone trees and chatbots useless. If I couldn't solve my issue already, I need to talk to a human with decision making power. I wonder if clones will have the same issue?
Well I definitely dislike corporate Chatbots and phone trees but don't distrust them yet. Primarily because they are remnants of a more naive era that is fading away. Their raison d'etre was solely to save money by replacing expensive humans with inexpensive recordings..they made no attempt to present themselves as anything but machines. In contrast, what you're talking about is the leading edge of a new era (which, don't get me wrong, I'm excited about and remain optimistic about) where motives for presence are much more varied and difficult to ascertain. Witness the fake videos both Trump and DeSantis campaigns are using where AI footage is mixed with real footage to give the impression of versimilitude. No, we will need to pass legislation requiring some kind of digital watermarking on ALL digital comm. Avatars may be required to announce up front, "I am Josh's avatar, can I help you?" or some such....
I think "I am Josh's avatar, can I help you?" or some such...." would be good, but I can't see digital watermarking working very well. DRM is always breakable or circumventable. Unless it was something like the CANSPAM act but even that is flagrantly broken by lots of companies.